Free Video Series: Escape the Effects of Childhood Trauma

Get access to three easy somatic exercises (each under 7 minutes) that you can do anytime to help you find the inner calm & peace of mind you deserve – today!

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Greetings brave healer!

I hear you, I see you, and I get it: The stress of childhood trauma is real!

You know your childhood wasn't perfect, and now you carry the weight of childhood trauma as it seeps into your day-to-day life, making it hard to do basic, everyday self-care tasks like eat a good breakfast or pay your bills on time or even get your kids up and out the door every day and get to work yourself!


➡️ You tried to ignore the trauma for many years

➡️ You thought it would eventually disappear over time

➡️ You were hoping the fears and insecurities would simply fade away some day

But nothing has changed, and, if anything, the overwhelm, overthinking, doomsday-is-here, I-want-to-disappear, rage, and I-don't-matter feelings are worse!

Yet, despite it all, you are still determined, frustrated, and ready to take the next steps to feel better.

You simply aren't sure what those next steps are. 

I hear you, I get it, and I understand, because I've been there myself and not only have I found my way out of the confusion and chaos to a place of understanding and deep healing, but I have helped dozens of determined people just like you heal from the effects of childhood trauma.

And here, I'm going to share with you, for free, one of the key techniques that I have used with all my clients:

Somatic exercises.

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How do somatic exercise help?

Somatic exercises work by having a direct effect on the nervous system

Similar to how lifting weights increases muscle mass, practicing somatic exercises increases resiliency in the nervous system, allowing you to stay calm when there is no threat and helping you heal those automatic childhood trauma responses.

When you have a calm nervous system, you have a calm mind, and you can engage in rational thinking, plan out your dreams and goals, and follow through on whatever you want to do in life. 

Practicing somatic exercises, especially when in combination with other healing habits and behaviors, can move you light years ahead in the healing process.

That's a high payoff for some simple exercises!

The future is yours to claim

Healing childhood trauma using somatic exercises is a simple yet powerful practice that anyone can do.

Just imagine if...

  • You could step aside during your busy day, take five minutes to practice your somatic exercises, and shift yourself from feeling stressed to feeling free!
  • You could change your inner chaos to inner calm without missing a beat while sitting in a meeting at work or while engaging with family and friends at the dinner table 
  • You could relax more, have fun more, fight less, and worry less, all by taking a few minutes a day to engage in simple exercises that speak directly to the source of your childhood trauma – without having to process the past or spend hours connecting present issues to old traumas.

Here's exactly what you'll get in this video series

After signing up, check your inbox for links to videos of three somatic exercises as well as a video where I describe why they work and how they help you heal from the past. These videos include the following:

  • A description of what somatic exercises are and why they are critical when healing from childhood trauma
  • A six-minute video describing a rare, simple, calming exercise that most people have never heard of
  • A three-minute video that helps you "focus" on how using your eyes alone can bring down your level of stress
  • A step-by-step breakdown of one exercise that can kick in your body's relaxation response in five minutes or less

Are You Ready to Claim Your Calm?

Sign up here to get these three somatic exercises sent to your inbox right away!

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About me

Hey there, I am Ariana, and I'm so excited to meet you here on your healing journey.

I spent over three decades healing my body, mind, and spirit from the effects of complex trauma stemming from a complicated and confusing childhood.

For years, I researched every method and tried any healing suggestion I could get my hands on, but it wasn't until I incorporated body-based somatic healing modalities into my healing work that real change happened.

Once I was able to experience, first-hand, how trauma is a body issue and can actually be healed on a deep level within the nervous system, I knew my mission in life was to help others, just like you, experience the same amazing healing deep on the inside. 

As a trauma-informed somatic coach, I now support people from all walks of life to go from feeling frazzled and frenetic to being calm, cool, and collected, and I am thrilled to help you do the same. 

Get Your Free Three Somatic Exercises Today!

Deepen your healing journey and find your way to inner calm

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